Why do I have bad breath?

Why do I have bad breath?

What is bad breath? Bad breath can come in many forms, levels of severity and can even be triggered by many a wide range of factors. Simply speaking, it is an unpleasant odour eminating from the breath of a person. Chronic bad breath is referred to as halitosis. Less...
How do I balance my gut flora?

How do I balance my gut flora?

Do I have dysbiosis? Dysbiosis refers to a microbial imbalance on or within the body; in other words, an imbalance of good versus bad bacteria. It most often occurs in the digestive tract (leading to unpleasant symptoms, such as bloating, excessive wind, IBS symptoms...
Poor digestion and bad breath

Poor digestion and bad breath

Everyone’s had bad breath at some time in their lives, particularly first thing in the morning. But when it becomes a chronic problem, it can cause embarrassment and have a negative impact on your quality of life. For instance, in terms of work interactions and...
Antibiotics and digestive problems

Antibiotics and digestive problems

Effects of antibiotic use on the digestive system Antibiotic resistance is perhaps the most well-known side effect of long-term use of antibiotics – a type of drug resistance, where a micro-organism can eventually withstand exposure to the antibiotic as a result...
How antibiotics affect the gut

How antibiotics affect the gut

Good health begins in the gut Many health experts agree that good health begins with balance in the body, particularly in the digestive system. Inside our bodies there are twenty times more bacteria than living cells, and maintaining the correct balance of good...