Protein benefits

Protein benefits

What is protein? Protein is a word that is frequently used on television, in advertising and on packaging and so most people are familiar with it. However, you might be surprised at just how few people actually know what protein is, how it is used by the body and how...
Hemp seed protein powder

Hemp seed protein powder

Making a big difference with hemp seed protein powder You will not believe how easy it is to make a huge difference to your health with the help of hemp seed protein. If you are looking for a diet supplement that works for the long term, hemp seed protein is it. It is...
Carbohydrates and weight loss

Carbohydrates and weight loss

Cut down on carbs to lose weight faster You should eat fewer carbohydrates if you want to lose weight quickly. Having said that, there is no need to cut out carbohydrates entirely if you are trying to lose weight and, in fact, that would not be a healthy step....