What is diabetes? The technical bit Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, where the body is unable to produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is required to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy. The human body has to maintain its blood...
A healthy diet for long-term weight loss Nourish your body, while shedding pounds! So, you’ve made the decision to try to lose weight for good this time and you’re raring to go. But how are you going to make your weight loss stick this time? How are you going to...
A bit about acai Acai berries, previously considered an exotic fruit, have now become a virtual staple in almost every supermarket’s collection of health foods and supplements. No longer the sole preserve of health stores and delis, these nutrient-dense berries...
Get started with your weight loss programme today! Let’s face it, no one is at their ideal weight all the time and more often than not, you could stand to lose a few pounds rather than putting some on. Luckily, this blog post will help out anyone who wishes to...
What is your blood sugar level? A person’s blood sugar level (also known as serum glucose level or plasma glucose level) is the amount of glucose (sugar) present in their blood at any given time. Why is glucose important? Glucose (also known as dextrose) is a simple...